Advertising in Memory Lane

An inexpensive and effective way of reaching a large number of people in the United Kingdom and abroad who are interested in your product or service. This page tells you all you need to know about sizes, prices, discounts, deadlines, etc.
Advertise in Memory Lane Magazine

Memory Lane magazine is published quarterly and read from cover to cover by its dedicated readership of ardent nostalgia enthusiasts. Therefore, your advertisement is bound to be seen by the very people you are intending to reach. Memory Lane is the ideal medium for advertising anything to do with musical nostalgia, CD re-issues, vintage records whether 78rpms or LPs, books, discographies, magazines, clubs & societies, research, information, advice, etc. Additionally, advertisements of a more general nature are also very acceptable and will reach the same attentive audience. Memory Lane’s readers come from all walks of life and span all age groups. Most of them are affluent and await Memory Lane’s arrival each quarter to find news of products and services pertinent to their passion for musical nostalgia. Don’t miss out - contact us right away to ensure your advertisement is included.

DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL/TRADE USE These display advertisements are designed to make a significant impact. We offer three sizes.

Full Page

Size in inches 5.25 X 7.00 Size in millimetres 133 X 177.
Rate for single insertion £75.00
Rate for 4 consecutive insertions £200.00.

Half Page

Size in inches 5.25 X 3.5 or 2.5 X 7.00 Size in millimetres 133 X 88 or 63 X 177
Rate for single insertion £40.00
Rate for 4 consecutive insertions £120.00

Quarter Page

Size in inches 2.5 X 3.5 Size in millimetres 63 X 88
Rate for single insertion £25.00
Rate for 4 consecutive insertions £80.00

ARTWORK: Artwork is required for all display advertisements preferably in PDF or JPG format and must be received by e-mail within 2 weeks of the deadlines shown below.
DISCOUNTS: If you pay for four or more consecutive insertions in advance of publication of the first one, a discount of 10% is offered. Naturally, you can change your copy in each edition.
MINI DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS: The Mini Display is the display advertisement for the price you would expect to pay for a classified. Measuring 2.75 X 1.3 inches, (68 X 32 mm) a Mini Display can accommodate a heading plus 40 words including name and address, etc. They are designed especially for the private advertiser and a 50% discount is also offered to those who are registered subscribers to Memory Lane. However, a special trade rate is available as many of our advertisers are smaller firms who have found the Mini Display the ideal medium for marketing their product or service at minimal expense.
Rates for Mini Displays
For private advertisers who are also registered subscribers to Memory Lane, the rate is £5.00 per insertion.
For all trade advertisers and for private advertisers who are not registered subscribers to Memory Lane, the rate is £10.00 per insertion.
At these low rates, we are unable to offer any discounts or supply complementary copies of Memory Lane to advertisers. We also ask for payment in advance of publication.
The text for Mini Displays must be recievd by the deadline mentioned below.
PUBLICATION DATES AND DEADLINES. Our annual publication dates and deadlines for reserving and paying for adverts are:
Spring Edition, published 5th February, deadline 30th November.
Summer Edition, published 5th May, deadline 5th March.
Autumn Edition, published 5th August, deadline 5th June.
Winter Edition, published 5th November, deadline 5th September.

Send your advertisements to:

Alternatively, you may send your advertisement to: Memory Lane, P O Box 1939, Leigh-on-Sea, SS9 3UH England.

PAYMENT. Please contact the e-mail address shown above for further information on paying on-line. If you do not wish to pay on-line, please see the note at the foot of our On-Line Shop page for alternative payment methods.