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PLEASE USE THE DROP DOWN ARROWS TO SELECT UK OR REST OF WORLD PRICEAnnual subscription rates (4 quarterly issues) shown in UK Sterling UK £20.00 Overseas £26.00
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PLEASE USE THE DROP DOWN ARROWS TO SELECT UK OR REST OF WORLD PRICEThe digital version of Memory Lane is a pdf file which will be e-mailed to you. The pdf is about 6MB which the vast majority of e-mail servers can handle.
The digital version offers the advantage of the immediacy of e-mail which is particularly beneficial for our overseas friends. It also offers the facility to zoom-in on screen or for you to print to a larger size thus helping those with sight problems. Plus PDF files are searchable which can enable you to find things quickly. And if you already have lots of printed magazines and material, the digital version of Memory Lane will not add to your storage problems but will just reside on your computer, tablet or in the cloud. And remember, the digital version of Memory Lane is also cheaper than the Rest-of-the-world subscription.
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